Burkina Faso
In the town of Koudougou, in South West Burkina, we have built five schools that educate an approximate 550 children, of whom the majority are Aids orphans.
In the town of Koudougou, in South West Burkina, we have built five schools that educate an approximate 550 children, of whom the majority are Aids orphans.
Our Burkina Faso partner Etienne updates us on the progress of the clinic.
Our team visited Lusaka to see a functional home and school.
Drop Inn Partner, Koudougou, Burkina Faso
Neighbours of Burkina Faso in West Africa, Ghana is one of the few English speaking countries in that region of the continent.
Comfort Rwanda
We are working to meet the desperate needs in the slums of Nairobi
In July 2015 Pastor Etienne brought the team who were there for the annual summer camp to see a plot of land where he hoped they would be able to build a two or three room clinic.
Rwanda is a beautiful African country that continues to endure the terrible aftermath of the genocide that took place in 1994.
Amy and Fran's Zambia 2022 diary. Days 1 and 2: Lusaka
Amy and Fran's Zambia 2022 diary. Days 3 – 5: Kabwe
Amy and Fran's Zambia 2022 diary. Final days in Kasama
Amy and Fran returned to Zambia where we support education and feeding programmes.