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Stories and Letters

  • Letter

    Dotsnik family

    Dotsnik family

    Dear brothers and sisters!

    I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

    From the bottom of my heart I would like to say a big thank you for your help to our family.

    I would like to tell you a little bit about my family.

    My name is Inna and I live together with my husband and 3 children.. I look after my old grandparents and they have big problems with health. My granny is blind for many years. But my grandfather has a cancer .

    We have no enough finances to live and thanks to your food parcel we are blessed.

    I am very thankful to God and to all of you who help in this way!

    God bless!!!

    Dotsnik family

  • Letter

    Kukanbekov family

    Kukanbekov family

    Greetings to you our dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

    As a large family with 5 children we thank you for blessing us with the food.

    The prices here are high and sometimes we find we are not able to provide enough food for the family.

    Thanks to God He helps us in many different ways. One of the ways is you.

    You are a great blessing that you can not imagine how much.

    There are many people everywhere but not many of them have such big hearts as you. Hearts to bless the others.

    Thank you so much that you see our family and bless us.

    May God bless your families too!

    Kukanbekov family

  • Letter

    Maksiuk family

    Maksiuk family

    Hello my dear friends, my dear brothers and sisters!

    I am very thankful to you that you bless me during so many years.

    I am Nina and still live with my grown up children. They are addicted to alcohol and sometimes my life is like a nightmare.

    They don’t help me with the money and my pension is not enough to provide the food.

    I have to pay for the flat and so little left for the food. So, that is why I am so happy for the food parcel I get from you.

    I feel sometimes embarrassed but except this as a gift from the Lord.

    Thank you my dear for thinking of me and helping me to survive.

    All Glory to God!!!

    Maksiuk family

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