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Aid Update in Türkiye (February 2023)


Over the last two weeks, money you have donated has reached our partners in Türkiye (Turkey) where it’s already being used to set up food kitchens and provide medical aid.

Destroyed Buildings8 Turkey Update Feb2023

This message from our partners in Adıyaman, Türkiye:

The Governor of Adıyaman, who saw our ministry, wanted to have a meeting with us. They asked us to set up a container kitchen for at least 500 people and to cook hot meals in the region where the need is high. Our plan is to set up kitchens where we can cook hot boiled eggs for breakfast, hot home-cooked meals for lunch and dinner, and serve tea during the day. We plan to do this for both Antakya and Adıyaman. At the same time, we are working to provide clean water in Adıyaman with water filtration systems that we are trying to bring from abroad.

The importance of this project for us is not only that we will deliver hot meals to many people, but also that we will start a project with the district governor’s office. For the first time in Turkey, the government is willing to work in cooperation with the church. This shows that we have gained the trust of the government based on our ministry in Adıyaman so far, and it also shows how big the devastation is and how great the need is.

We are working wholeheartedly to help as many people as we can. With the support of other ministries and organizations, we now have expert chefs. With these chefs, our team is capable of cooking for a minimum of 1000 people per day. At the same time, our team continues to grow every day.

Currently, the cost of 4 – 5 containers is $26,000. However, our food purchases continue to increase as our teams grow and reach more people in need.

Please continue to support us.

Adıyaman, Türkiye

Cold nightsLink to this section

There is still a lot to do. Adding to the problems of a lack of shelter for many people, the temperatures in the night are dropping in some places to –14°C. And in Antakya (formerly Antioch) where our partners are working into, they’ve seen around 850 funerals.

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Images from the work in Antakya

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