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Subtitle ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tincidunt ligula vel magna scelerisque dapibus. Aliquam rutrum, lacus eget maximus elementum, ipsum elit imperdiet justo, eget gravida velit lacus sit amet enim. Nam magna est, elementum ut dignissim vitae, ornare nec dolor.

Integer faucibus mi non malesuada sollicitudin. Aenean molestie, turpis in efficitur viverra, diam neque congue mi, sit amet sodales justo augue nec lorem. Pellentesque vehicula nisl eget consequat scelerisque. Mauris in eros bibendum augue placerat bibendum. Fusce id mi non felis porttitor efficitur.

Integer faucibus mi non malesuada sollicitudin. Aenean molestie, turpis in efficitur viverra, diam neque congue mi, sit amet sodales justo augue nec lorem. Pellentesque vehicula nisl eget consequat scelerisque. Mauris in eros bibendum augue placerat bibendum. Fusce id mi non felis porttitor efficitur.

Heading 2

Nunc ornare ex felis, ut tempus leo porta quis. Nunc nec condimentum urna. Etiam finibus aliquet libero, vitae maximus augue ornare ut. Etiam iaculis venenatis turpis sed vulputate. Maecenas vel odio augue. Sed orci nisl, lobortis nec volutpat eget, consectetur nec ante. Donec pulvinar consectetur ipsum. Nunc vitae augue dolor. Aenean non vehicula risus. Cras auctor dolor rutrum est luctus, non tempor leo iaculis. Morbi gravida consequat fermentum.

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  • Unordered list
  • Unordered list
  • Unordered list
  • Unordered list

Fig 1. A picture of a puddy cat

Brother sister mother on beachCare day v2Care dayRonnies vlogE008 watermark

People on the beach

Quisque eu nisl fermentum, semper leo non, hendrerit ligula. Proin a leo ac massa vulputate sollicitudin. Nam molestie dignissim risus, eu venenatis ante euismod sit amet. Nunc eros mauris, bibendum at ornare nec, bibendum vestibulum nunc. In id porta arcu, at rhoncus est. Proin id est ut tellus laoreet tempor placerat eu eros. Duis congue condimentum placerat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc sed purus lorem. Donec finibus purus sapien, sit amet aliquet sapien bibendum id. Nunc congue lectus quis mauris bibendum, tempor tincidunt eros blandit. Etiam euismod bibendum est, at ultrices ante consequat sed. Pellentesque aliquam mattis dui a porta. In et velit sit amet nibh tempus ullamcorper quis in ligula. Maecenas sed sem eu ligula gravida lacinia ac eget nisi.

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  1. Ordered list
  2. Ordered list
  3. Ordered list
  4. Ordered list

Fusce sit amet metus sed lectus gravida accumsan. Curabitur malesuada orci vel consequat bibendum. Fusce id cursus justo, ut molestie orci. Quisque sit amet ornare velit, non lacinia enim. Phasellus volutpat ultricies lacus, tincidunt vehicula leo sollicitudin a. Aenean vehicula imperdiet ante eu posuere. Ut sit amet nisi a velit accumsan dapibus.

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Bold Strong Italic Emphasis Underline Strike Link. Delete Insert ex venenatis nisl fermentum blandit. Maecenas tincidunt neque augue, in interdum arcu feugiat ut. Sed malesuada nibh vel posuere scelerisque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce volutpat condimentum diam, eu finibus nulla. Proin hendrerit vulputate enim nec interdum.

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Cell Cell Cell
Cell Cell Cell
Cell Cell Cell

Missions and Trip Application

Your details

If you're under 18, you will need to fill in the print version, and ask an parent or guardian to sign.

As on passport
House / flat number and street




Please provide two references. If you attend a church, one should be your pastor.

Medical information

It is essential that your medical fitness allows you to participate in a Drop Inn trip without placing yourself, other trip participants or members of the general public at risk. If you are in any way uncertain, you must obtain advice from your GP to confirm your fitness to travel. You must not rely on any action taken by Drop Inn or one of its representatives before, during or after your trip to support your decision to travel.

You must get travel and medical insurance to cover the trip.

It is also your responsibility, prior to undertaking a trip, that you visit a travel clinic and follow their recommendations regarding vaccinations and medication for the trip. It is also your responsibility to make sure you have any medication you require for the duration if the trip (it is advisable to bring some extra as we are working in remote areas).

Is your fitness of a level that you can manage long periods of travel (plane, road), as well as walking and spending time outside in extreme temperatures.

And finally

By submitting this form:

  • I declare that all the information that I have offered on this application is true and correct to my understanding and that I have not withheld any information that could affect my acceptance on team.
  • I confirm that I have given an accurate account of my state of health.
  • I confirm I am not travelling against medical advice
  • I confirm that I will advise Drop Inn of any changes relating to my health prior to departure.
  • I understand that if the above information indicates my health /medical fitness would place myself or other trip participants, those we are working with or members of the general public at risk then I will not be allocated a space on the trip at this time.
  • I understand and accept that involvement on a team is subject to me raising the full amount required prior to leaving Northern Ireland.
  • I understand and accept that the decision regarding my application to participate on a team is at the absolute discretion of the Team Leader in consultation with Drop Inn management and I agree to abide by their decision.
  • If selected, I willingly choose to participate in the trip and do not hold Drop Inn liable for any injury, damage, loss, additional expense, or inconvenience that occurs as a result of this trip. I fully agree to all the conditions set down regarding this trip and understand that failure to adhere to the conditions may result in my expulsion from the team. Any expenses incurred, as a result of this will be borne by me. I have read and fully understood the terms of this statement.
  • I give Drop Inn permission to use trip photography and videography that has been taken by me and includes me for promotional purposes.
You can request a change to how we store your data at any time. Please visit for more information

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    Fusce sit amet metus sed lectus gravida accumsan. Curabitur malesuada orci vel consequat bibendum. Fusce id cursus justo, ut molestie orci.


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    We are a small non-denominational church in Richhill that loves God and loves to bless and share the Gospel with the community and further afield.

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    1 Blenheim Court, Richhill County Armagh BT61 9JH Northern Ireland
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    1 Blenheim Court, Richhill County Armagh BT61 9JH Northern Ireland